Located deep in the heart of Texas we run a small, but tight, ship. Our customers know us for our experience and supreme quality of printing. But, for us, it's just another day at the office.

Every shirt tells a story about something, someone, or someplace. Closets are packed tight with memories, advertisements and abstract pieces of art. Printed Threads has a passion for that art, and we've been working hard over the past decade to be able to provide the quality that all customers deserve.
In 2000, Brett founded a company called "The Merchandise Factory". The company set out to provide merchandising for bands. The company grew and was eventually sold off, so that Brett could pursue the dream of being a touring musician. Finally in 2010 Printed Threads was born. Brett along with a couple of the same employees as The Merchandise Factory started printing shirts in a garage. But they quickly grew from 10 piece orders to 1000 piece orders.
Today Printed Threads is continuing to grow and print for large organizations, clothing lines and bands across the nation. The experiences of the last decade have enabled the company to better suit its customers. Printed Threads knows how to deliver the right product at the right time, and to custom tailor every order to meet the customer's needs. This is not just a job... its a passion, as well as an art form.

Brett Bowden
Founder // El Capitan
Brett is the fearless leader. Navigating the high seas of plastisol ink and all that good stuff.

Seth Brewton
Production Manager // Bacon Connoisseur
Seth has traveled the world over in search of that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Christina Dettmer
Office Manager // Fashionista
Christina likes long walks on the beach, reading a book by firelight and managing your account.

Brady Woodcock
Press Operator // Lady Killer
Hello, my name is Brady.
Nice to meet you.

Richard Lee Davenport
Press Operator // Security Specialist
Rick would be ok with sitting down with you over a glass of wine and tales of conspiracy

Trent Webb
Screen Room Manager // Optimist
A real diamond in the rough, Trent can make a delicious sandwich or two.

Kyle Holman
Pre Press // Sharp Shooter
He's not a major league baseball player, but he still knocks them out of the park.

James Ivey
Quality Control // Unofficial American Gladiator
Simply put - Stone Cold James Ivey

Hunter Fitch
Designer // Animal Lover
Hunter loves jean jackets and haircuts.