A Creative Situation Indeed.
Reflections on a Creative Situation.
Brett here! About 11 years ago, I came home from my job as a cable guy and pitched the idea of starting a screen printing shop in our garage to my wife, Sarah. She was supportive of the idea, and very quickly, we made it happen. Back then, we lived in a neighborhood with several other friends that we would regularly see, including my buddy Brad Parnell. Brad helped throw together our first website and whipped up a simple logo for us. Things were growing, we moved into a new building, and at that time, I started thinking seriously about our branding. A creative situation indeed.
Time to take things seriously.
I wanted to create something a little more unique and timeless. I had met this guy Paul Sirmon in passing and knew that he had created some great-looking logos for some cool companies. There was a phone call made, and we met. He told me what he could do for us and the amount of money it would cost. At the time, we didn’t have a lot of money, so I think I worked out some kind of barter with him. Paul created the Printed Threads logo that you see today. He also created our mascot Petey and The Needle & Thread Crest, and he created several of our patch designs as well. He helped bring so much legitimacy to our company. I have found so much respect for what branding can do after that experience.
Fast Forward to the Future.
Over the last couple of years, I talked to Paul about putting our heads together to create a company. Printed Threads had been doing so much video, design, and social content creation; what if we combined those efforts with what Paul had been producing? We could really do some big things. Last October, we launched The Creative Situation. We have been building products for great customers ever since. If you are looking to take your branding or marketing to the next level, check out The Creative Situation.